I have a great commercial idea for adidas. I will show various styles of how to wear the clothing casual, sporty looks, and work out clothing. Then i will record on the track of a little workout/running clip. With a little humor…maybe a lot of humor, and good editing this will be a great video.


With the video edited we put the finishing touch on our video, which is the music. Unsurprisingly the music really changes the overall experience of the video. Without music your brain just says, “wow so they’re doing some things…this is a video…im kinda wasting life watching this random video but okay”. With music its actually tied together in an amusing and artsy way. You want to see what happens in the video and the music can even shift your spirits with excitement or compassion.


So we are finally done filming. We have to go through and basically tie this whole thing together. The speed and focus of each clip can shift the mood at any second and either make or break your video if it seems random. Things should be chronological and have a good theme whether it be just partying or traveling the world. I think we have a focused theme and editing will be exciting.

Blog #6

The planning and thought process has ended, now all that’s left is to find time to film. The other challenge to face will be editing the video. Being able to cut the clips just right so that they flow smoothly and look professional may go smoothly or difficult. I plan on editing my clip as soon as i get home, so i should have time to go through the process and find the best product.

Blog #5

We have thoroughly went through the type of video we want to create. The story behind the video would be everyone moves to the beat of their own drum, as cliche as that may sound. In the video you see the morning life of 3 friends when they get ready to meet up for school. Now all that’s left is to figure out how to make it interesting.

Blog #4

So far things are running smoothly. We are still developing ideas for our music video. We tried to keep our video pretty abstract because when you think of a music video you just think of dancing and music. We want a concept video that has a little story behind it.

Blog #3

The group got together and discussed aspects of the video more specifically. We came across some problems when it came to discussing the mood of the video. The concept of our video also seems a bit difficult. Although we are making good progress and our idea will be solid with some polishing. I am a musician so i trust my skills when it come to making a music video.